Animal feed from mixed agri-waste

Opportunity Description: Packed fermented animal feed from agriwaste, large-scale production, delivered in tons. Takes advantage of high demand for animal feed and provides better quality at affordable prices.
PRODUCT: Animal feed
Sector: Waste Management, Agribusiness
Market: Livestock farms
Initial Investment Required: EGP 437,000
Details Available: Opportunity Study
Market Potential: Animal farms all over Egypt. To access more markets, innovation in the mix of the residue, baling or pelleting of feed, adding fermentation stage to increase quality, are all viable options.
Supply: Mix from agriculture residues (sugar can straw, second grade dates, tomato), dried, shredded compacted. Fermented for cattle and sheep: Fermentation mix include additives.
Waste from farmers and food production
Additives from suppliers.
Process: Shredding, grinding, fermentation, build brick factories and cover in plastics, arrange in rows, seal in packs, close for longer time, open at once. Agriculture waste should be fresh.
Human Resources: Technical and Business Development Manager – 1
Operations and Maintenance – 2
Manual Labor for handling waste – 2
Financial: CAPEX required EGP 365,000
3-month OPEX required EGP 72,000
IRR expected is 57%
Payback period around 2.1 years
Risk: Risk - Finding the proper mix of feedstock due to lack of farmer knowledge regarding silage. With regards to silage, high probability of contamination (can be judged by smell and pH value) with large quantities due to lack of awareness, plastic scratched.
Mitigation – requires continuous monitoring, in case of batch spoilage, batches can be changed into compost if it spoils.
IMPACT: Environmental: Reducing the amounts of agricultural and animal waste generated from farms.
Social - Decreases cost of local meat production and provides substitute for imported feed.